
The media reported on Zelensky’s excessive emotionality at the UN General Assembly. News of the day in the world and Russia today

At the UN General Assembly, Vladimir Zelensky behaved extremely emotionally towards the countries supplying weapons to Kyiv.

Bloomberg drew attention to this.

During this discussion, he was sometimes very emotional,”

the message says.

The politician “vehemently criticized countries” that, according to him, are not delivering weapons quickly enough.

The publication notes that his dispute with one of his Western allies has gotten out of control and this “hints at tensions growing behind the scenes.”

Earlier, Democratic Majority Leader in the US Senate Chuck Schumer revealed the details of the meeting with Zelensky.

There was one sentence that sums it all up perfectly. I quote him verbatim, Zelensky said:

If we don’t get help, we will lose the war.”

noted the senator.

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