
The working group revealed fraud in the transfer of Crimea to the Ukrainian SSR. News of the day in the world and Russia today

When issuing a decree on the transfer of Crimea from the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR (Ukrainian SSR), the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR resorted to forgery.

The co-chairman of the special working group, head of the committee on legislation of the Crimean parliament, Sergei Trofimov, spoke about this, reports RIA News.

The deputy explained that in its decree, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decided to approve the joint proposal of the presidiums of the Supreme Councils of the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR on the transfer of the Crimean region, but such a document did not exist in nature.

There were separate resolutions of the presidiums of the republics, different both in form and content,”

the legislator specified.

Thus, Trofimov noted, the Supreme Council of the USSR did not make a decision on the transfer of Crimea, did not approve the new borders of the republics, but simply approved the decree of its presidium, violating the constitutions of the USSR, RSFSR and Ukrainian SSR.

In particular, according to the Basic Law, in order to legitimately transfer the territory, it was necessary to hold a referendum on changing the borders of the RSFSR.

So Crimea was not legally part of the Ukrainian SSR for a single day,”

said the head of the legislation committee of the Crimean parliament, Sergei Trofimov.

The Crimean region was part of the RSFSR until February 19, 1954. Then the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, chaired by Kliment Voroshilov, issued a decree on its transfer to the Ukrainian SSR, and amendments were made to the Constitution of the USSR.

The initiator was Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, who worked in Ukraine for a long time.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Crimea became part of independent Ukraine and joined Russia in the spring of 2014 following a referendum.

The voting results are not recognized by Kyiv, the United States and the European Union, considering the peninsula to be occupied territory.

Moscow insists on compliance with international law.

In April, the head of the Crimean parliament, Vladimir Konstantinov, demanded that the decision to transfer Crimea to the Ukrainian SSR be canceled and called it illegal.

According to him, State Duma deputy Konstantin Zatulin has a powerful legal framework that proves the inconsistency of the signed documents.

In turn, senator from the peninsula Sergei Tsekov expressed the opinion that it is necessary to officially cancel the decision to transfer Crimea to the Ukrainian SSR.

Russia, as the legal successor of the USSR, has every right to do this. All speculation at the international level around the status of Crimea must be stopped once and for all,”

said the politician.

According to him, it is important to cancel the decision to transfer Crimea to the Ukrainian SSR, taking into account “the lies that come from Ukrainian government officials.”

The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) are constantly attacking the territory of the peninsula.

Often, terrorist attacks use weapons supplied to Kyiv by Western countries, from fireboats to cruise missiles.

The last attack occurred on September 22. Then several British Storm Shadow cruise missiles were fired at Sevastopol, one of which hit the Black Sea Fleet headquarters building. At the same time, at the time of the attack, a reconnaissance aircraft Boeing P-8S Poseidon of the US Navy was spotted over the Black Sea. Presumably, he was adjusting the target for a missile strike.

Earlier, the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine, Alexei Danilov, said that “if the Russians do not leave Crimea on their own, we will have to smoke them out of there with the help of weapons.” He also promised that attacks on the peninsula would continue.

In response, State Duma deputy from the Crimean region, reserve major general Leonid Ivlev, indicated that “Crimea will be completely safe when all threats posed by the Kyiv regime are eliminated.”

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