
Environmental protection is the main theme in the new release from theICONS

The day before, on September 28, the release of the composition and video “Toxic Rain” by theICONS group, founded by people from Naryan-Mar, took place. In the black and white clip, children walk and dance around the city, appealing to adults to pay attention to environmental problems.

As the band’s frontman Sergei Krysanov said, the video was filmed in Anapa and aims to convey ideas about caring for nature through art.

— We began to become more and more imbued with the ideas of ecology. The main question is what kind of planet will the next generations receive from us? Therefore, we involved children in the filming of the video, and on their behalf there is a narration: “adults, what will you leave for us and our children?” The guys approached the creation of the video with all their hearts. For them, this is not just a continuation of their dance activities, but an opportunity to contribute to the larger history of protecting nature. They now talk about this issue at school. Now we are developing a joint environmental campaign with them to clean up the territories,” said Sergei Krysanov.

Photo: still from the video clip

Students from a hip-hop dance school from Anapa, aged 12 to 16, took part in the video. Preparation for the video lasted several weeks, filming took two days.

— Water is the main symbol of the video. We decided that we would make an allegory of rain – we would pour buckets of water on the actors. This is an old trick from 90’s music videos. Everything worked out. But at the moment when we were filming the last frame, thunder struck and it started to rain, a real downpour, which should not have happened according to the forecast! We managed to film everything. It was a real miracle and a good sign that we are on the right path,” noted Sergei Krysanov.

Photo: Vitaly Afanasiev

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