
A psychological and pedagogical class has appeared at school No. 3 in Naryan-Mar

The grand opening of the specialized class took place today in the assembly hall of the third school. The event took place as part of the Big Teachers’ Week, dedicated to Teacher’s Day

Photo: Ekaterina Ester/

On behalf of the governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Yuri Bezdudny, the students were greeted by the deputy head of the region, Natalia Sidorova.

— The main goal that we pursue when opening psychological and pedagogical classes is to train personnel who are ready to work in the future in an educational environment. I really hope that for you, training will be a start in career guidance and a starting point on the path to the proud title of “teacher.” We will try to create conditions for you, conclude targeted agreements, provide support measures so that you consciously choose your future profession and return to the region, maybe even to your home school,” said Natalia Sidorova.

She, together with the director of school No. 3 Anna Popova, presented the children with badges.

Photo: Ekaterina Ester/

For 21 tenth graders, conditions will be created for the development of emotional intelligence, personal qualities, increased self-esteem and motivation for educational activities. As part of the humanitarian profile, the children will study pedagogy, psychology, and social relations.

In psychology classes, high school students learn what empathy, reflection, verbal and nonverbal communication are, and what their differences are. They will learn constructive conflict resolution, receive the basics of conflictology, sociology, psychology and pedagogy.

Photo: Ekaterina Ester/

— Three students from our class left for the “Eaglet” shift; they will just be studying in the psychological and pedagogical direction. We hope they return with new knowledge and fresh ideas. And now we are already undergoing career guidance, we are getting acquainted, getting to know the children better. In addition, there are children who are thinking about choosing a teaching profession in the future,” Elena Tyutyunnikova, class teacher of the psychological and pedagogical class, told NAO24.

Psychological and pedagogical classes have been opened at school in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug them. A. P. Pyrerki and Nes village school. For the purpose of organizational and methodological support for the opening of these classes, a Coordination Council was created under the Department of Education, Culture and Sports of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Photo: Ekaterina Ester/

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