
A seminar on legal awareness of family and tribal communities is being held in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug

The fifth seminar on legal awareness and legal education of representatives of indigenous communities is taking place in the region on October 12 and 13. On the agenda are issues of supporting family and tribal communities, interaction with authorities, pensions and social security and other topics

Photo: Ekaterina Ester/

The seminar opened with a discussion of state support measures for family (tribal) communities (SROs) involved in reindeer husbandry. There are 11 of these in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

In total, there are 24 communities of indigenous peoples of the north in the region, eight of them are engaged in fishing, four in folk crafts and another one in hunting.

As explained by the chief consultant of the development sector of the agro-industrial complex of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Aleksey Ardeev, family-tribal communities engaged in reindeer herding receive two support measures – a subsidy for the sale of products and a subsidy for the preservation of livestock.

Photo: Ekaterina Ester/

On par with agricultural producers

The subsidy for the sale of products for SROs and agricultural producers is the same – 150 rubles per kg. Since the beginning of 2023, more than 26 million rubles have been allocated for these purposes from the district budget.

– Since last year, the areas of product sales have expanded. Previously, subsidies were provided only when meat was delivered for industrial processing – these are JSC “Myasoprodukty” and the peasant farm “Semyashkin”. Now subsidies are also provided to those who sell meat to organizations, retail chains and the population, reminded Alexey Ardeev.

In 2022, six family communities applied to receive subsidies. Many of them become real competitors of agricultural enterprises in terms of volumes of products delivered.

– The total volume of meat delivered for processing was 174 tons. At the stage of creating communities, in 2002, SROs produced products only for their own purposes, said Alexey Ardeev.

Photo: Ekaterina Ester/

As it became known today, in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug increased the purchase price for the first category of venison. Now it will be up to 250 rubles – in addition to the subsidy 150 rubles per kg.

Develop and benefit

Currently, the registered population of family communities is more than 22 thousand deer. According to other sources – about 30 thousand.

A subsidy for the conservation of livestock is an issue that particularly worries reindeer herders. Now for all SROs it is 164.8 rubles per head. For agricultural producers – much higher.

– Family communities also donate meat; the limit in the volume of product donation is not so large. In my opinion, the subsidy for SROs needs to be increased. Communities also want to develop and benefit their native district,” noted Lilia Taibarei, a representative of the Limbya family community.

Photo: Ekaterina Ester/

Alexey Ardeev explained that family communities have the status of non-profit organizations – that is, not aimed at making a profit. Other benefits are provided for them, for example, grant support from the Department of Internal Policy.

If desired, the community can change its legal form and become a peasant farm.

– A different subsidy rate is provided for agricultural producers. The amount is higher because the cost structure is different: salary payments, tax contributions to the district budget. Family and clan communities are exempt from this, noted Alexey Ardeev.

The issue of increasing the subsidy for SROs will be taken up for further study. However, the chief consultant for the development sector of the agro-industrial complex of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug reminded that submitting data on deer registration is still important.

– For reference, at the time of the creation of family-tribal communities in the district, their number of deer was less than 6 thousand. The growth over 20 years is almost five times. However, there are communities that do not submit this data. So, on Kolguevo there is a family-tribal community and a peasant farm. They have a population of more than 3 thousand, but the census was carried out only in 2018. And this must be done 2 times a year. We are ready to take part and help. Herd registration is the first step to receive support for preserving the livestock,” said Alexey Ardeev.

Photo: Ekaterina Ester/

The seminar also discussed a possible increase in the grant amount for family communities – from 300 to 500 thousand rubles. We explained the rules of traditional fishing, the requirements of veterinary legislation, and obtaining a license for a hunting rifle.

Tomorrow, in addition to the reports, there will be a meeting with the Chairman of the Assembly of Deputies of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Alexander Chursanov, and the district parliamentarian, Matvey Chuprov.

Photo: Ekaterina Ester/

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