
“When I grow up, I’ll be a milkmaid.” Agricultural workers were awarded in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Every year on the second Sunday of October, Russia celebrates the professional holiday of farmers, agronomists, specialists in food and processing enterprises. Governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug Yuri Bezdudny congratulated workers on Agricultural Workers Day

Photo: Alexandra Berg/

Today Irina Taleeva remembers with a smile how she ran to the farm with her sister as a little girl. Five-year-old Irochka already said then: “When I grow up, I’ll be a milkmaid.”

– After school, I came to work at Kharp, and I’ve been working since 1987. I like animals. Cows are so affectionate, they understand everything, they just can’t talk,” shares Irina. “When I first came to work, sometimes I had to milk with my hands. If the device breaks down or something. Now the milk pipeline has been built, it’s convenient.

The working day of milkmaids begins early. In the morning, the cows are fed with feed and hay and milked. Baby calves are carefully fed milk.

Photo: Alexandra Berg/

– We always talk to cows. They feel the intonations, understand in what mood the hostess came. The main thing is that I want to wish all agricultural workers health themselves and the health of animals,” says Irina Taleeva.

This year, the milkmaid of the agricultural production company “Kharp” was awarded the title “Honorary Worker of Agriculture of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug”. On the eve of Agricultural Worker Day, the award was presented by the district governor, Yuri Bezdudny.

Photo: Alexandra Berg/

– Our district is completely special: Arctic, northern. We cannot grow wheat here like in Stavropol, we don’t have gardens like in Kabardino-Balkaria, but in the vast expanses of the tundra there are hundreds of thousands of deer that are raised by reindeer herders, there are farms where livestock breeders carefully keep cows. There are excellent enterprises that process products. There is a greenhouse plant that grows tomatoes, cucumbers and even basil! It is only thanks to your work that our residents have everything they need on their tables today. We hear people talking about the country’s food security. You are the people who provide it. Thanks for your hard work! – Yuri Bezdudny addressed the employees of agricultural enterprises.

The medal “For Special Merit to the Nenets Autonomous Okrug” was awarded to Anastasia Semyashkina. For more than 50 years she has been working as a plague worker in the brigade of the Nenets Agro-Industrial Company.

Photo: Alexandra Berg/

– My husband was a foreman, now our brigade is headed by one son, and the second is his deputy. I keep busy with the housework, I sew everything myself: malitsa, toboki. Previously, winters were cold, below 50 degrees! What is it like in the tundra without malitsa? I’ve been in the tundra all my life. My parents and my husband’s parents also migrated, we and our children continue their work,” shares Anastasia.

On Agricultural Worker’s Day, the work of Svetlana Efimenko was also celebrated. The laboratory assistant of the milk processing shop has been working at the Nenets Agro-Industrial Company for 17 years.

– We are responsible for the quality of milk: we check acidity, density, fat content. In all the time that I have been working, we have never had any failures. These are our cows, the milk is fresh every day, and all transportation processes are clearly organized and worked out,” shares Svetlana.

Photo: Alexandra Berg/

She speaks about her work with sparkling eyes:

– It is mine! I enjoy doing laboratory experiments. In addition to testing raw materials, we are engaged in the normalization of milk and the production of starter cultures for fermented milk products. I love my job! – The laboratory assistant smiles.

The head of the relevant department, Albert Chabdarov, also congratulated agricultural workers on their professional holiday.

Photo: Alexandra Berg/

“We can proudly say that all the tasks you set are being completed and problems are being solved. New farms are being built in the district, reindeer herding production bases are being equipped, fishing rules are being simplified, and some support measures have no analogues nationwide. We sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday – Agricultural and Processing Industry Worker’s Day! On this wonderful day, I would like to say words of gratitude to each of you for your hard daily work without weekends or holidays. I sincerely wish our family to have the best health and happiness. Remember that each of you can come with any vital question to any employee of the Department, to me, and I am sure that you will not be denied anything,” concluded Albert Chabdarov.

Photo: Alexandra Berg/

In addition, as part of the celebration, the winners of the competition “The best link of livestock breeders in caring for young cattle” were awarded based on the results of their activities for 2022. The winners of the competition were the livestock breeders of the Osa branch of Nenets Agro-Industrial Company JSC Alena Sannikova and Galina Sheveleva.

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