
“There are no emotions here, we have no time to be afraid.” Air training of the PSS and air squad took place in Naryan-Mar

For the first time, the exercises were also of a career guidance nature. Students from the Nenets School named after A.P. Pyrerka attended the training.

By tradition, joint training of the Search and Rescue Service and the Naryan-Mar Joint Aviation Squad takes place three times a year. This time, rescuers parachuted from a helicopter onto land, and also practiced the work cycle when evacuating a victim from a ship.

— The work is joint, first of all, the interaction between rescuers and pilots is worked out. Seven people went down today. Two new rescuers were allowed to work independently, and two more senior rescuers with experience were allowed to work as releasers,” explains the head of the district search and rescue service, Sergei Balutsky.

Ship rescue

Practical helicopter exercises are an important part of the work of a rescuer and a pilot. The paratrooper needs to practice the descent, ascent and work with the victim, so that in the event of a real disaster, he can quickly and efficiently provide assistance.

Photo: Ekaterina Ester/

In such a responsible matter, everything is taken into account. This is an established interaction between the issuer and the paratrooper. It is necessary to descend correctly, check the landing area, be sure to lower yourself on two feet, and unhook. The main thing is to do everything quickly and confidently.

The rotorcraft hovers in the air at a height of 15-20 meters. The rescuer must parachute as quickly as possible and place the victim on a stretcher. It is important that when the paratrooper descends to the ground, he runs at an angle of 45 degrees to the cockpit, with his arms outstretched in different directions. This is an important signal so that the aircraft commander and the releaser see that the paratrooper has disconnected from the rope, is leaving for the starting line, and permission can be given for the next one to descend.

— Today two people had the task of playing the role of sailors. The paratrooper, when he descended onto the ship, had to instruct them and clearly assign tasks. It all depends on his actions. As he orients people, the rescue operation will take place,” added the head of the PSS.

10 years saving lives

Second class rescuer Alexey Mikheev has been working in the search and rescue service for ten years. He has completed countless such training missions, including actual rescue missions. He notes that training is conducted primarily to improve skills. During real work, all acquired knowledge is automatically remembered.

— I remember my first flight onto the ship. There was no fear. Everything that was practiced during the exercises was useful; it was done automatically. We had no time to figure it out, to remember everything. This is precisely why exercises are conducted, so that all this happens on autopilot. We evacuated the victim, took him to the city, and handed him over to the ambulance crew,” says the rescuer.

Photo: Ekaterina Ester/

Alexey came to the search and rescue service at the call of his heart, to benefit people and help those in need.

“We have very interesting and important work.” It brings happiness to people and satisfaction to us. When I see a saved, satisfied person, his face, it inspires me to continue working and bring good and benefit to people,” Alexey Mikheev continues the story.

The man is sure that in the rescue profession it is necessary to turn off fear. There is simply no time for emotions in this matter. This also applies to rappelling from a helicopter.

“There are no emotions here, we have no time to be afraid.” You always look at the speed of descent, figure out where the ground is, and calculate when to put your feet down. When you go down, there is no time for emotions,” shares Alexey. – In addition, aerial training is important for pilots. They are always happy to participate in exercises with us. Sometimes we conduct training on the water, on the Pechora River, or fly to Golodnaya Guba,” the rescuer noted.

This helps when choosing a future profession

For the first time, schoolchildren attended aerial training for the search and rescue service and air squad. As part of career guidance work with children, a field trip was organized for students of the Nenets School named after A.P. Pyrerka. Earlier, at a personal reception of citizens, the head of the region, Yuri Bezdudny spoke about the need to conduct such career guidance excursions for schoolchildren of the district on an ongoing basis.

“Students of grades 10-11 arrived, these guys themselves became directly interested in the event. Open training is a good help in choosing a profession. Children are interested in this, they are interested, they ask questions. So, once one of our students from Bugrino was asked what he liked most during his studies, he answered that an excursion to the Naryan-Mar United Air Squadron,” Elena Smetanina, head of the boarding school at the Nenets school named after A.P. Pyrerka, tells NAO24. – Our graduates also work in the aviation squad and in the search and rescue service. And today our former students are present here. Children look at them and look up to them. Seeing real live work, it is easier for children to decide on their future profession,” emphasizes Elena Vasilievna.

Photo: Ekaterina Ester/

Georgy Taleev is in 11th grade. He filmed almost the entire training session on his phone, carefully observing every action taking place on the court. However, the boy is not looking intently at the rescuers at all, he dreams of becoming a pilot. I came up with this idea back in kindergarten.

“I have been interested in the pilot profession for a long time. I’ve been watching helicopters since kindergarten and I liked it all. I’m going to enter the Omsk Flight Technical College. I am already preparing for admission, I will take mathematics, Russian and physics. It is also important for a pilot to be physically healthy – I enjoy sports (running and volleyball). After studying, I plan to come to my native region and work in our aviation squadron,” Georgy Taleev shares his plans for the future.

Photo: Ekaterina Ester/

But tenth-grader Alexey Mikhailov from Karatayka, unlike his friend Georgy, does not plan to connect his life with the profession of a pilot. His activities will be related to saving lives – the student dreams of working as a rescuer.

— I want to become a rescuer. This attracts me. I want to help people. My friend and I will do it together. But my parents don’t know about my choice yet. I have mixed feelings about the past exercises – this is a dangerous job, it requires special preparation,” says Alexey Mikhailov.

How the air training of the PSS and the air squad went – see the photo report by Ekaterina Esther.


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