Thus, at the Nord Sports Palace, registration for classes in the Swimming group is open in the pool from October 5
Photo: Alexandra Berg/
Navigator.83 is a regional information portal where you can get acquainted with the activities of district organizations of additional education for children, choose your favorite club or section for your child and submit a preliminary application.
— To register a child for classes, the parent must be registered in Navigator. You can also activate your account through the State Services portal. After registration, you need to log into your personal account and attach your children’s data to your account. Next, you need to select additional general developmental programs for which the child will be trained, and enroll him in a club or section, explained the Department of Education, Culture and Sports of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
The portal contains all the information about the circles and sections of the district: description of programs, terms of study, age category of students, addresses of organizations, names of teachers, schedule.
Everyone registered on the State Services portal can select the “Children – Education” section in their personal account and go to the “Registration for clubs and sections” section.