
The governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug instructed to strengthen control over the security of resettled houses

The cause was a series of arson attacks over the weekend.

Photo: Evgeny Timofeev/

— Let me remind you that this year we are demolishing about 13 barracks in the city. And on the weekends our “trees” were burning. In this regard, I have a question for the leadership of the mayor’s office, who guards the houses that have been resettled and ensures security during the demolition period? — the head of the region addressed a representative of the city government during a weekly operational meeting.

— According to the contract, if the tender is successful, then the object is in the contractor’s area of ​​responsibility. If the house is not terminated and not transferred to the contractor, then the inspection and protection of the territory is carried out by the Naryan-Mar Municipal Administration,” explained Deputy Head of the City Administration Dmitry Anokhin.

In turn, Governor Yuri Bezdudny instructed to work with contractors who are demolishing dilapidated houses and to strengthen the security of the territories.

Photo: Evgeny Timofeev/

Like us wrote earlier, on Saturday, September 30, in Naryan-Mar, three occupied houses on Yavtysogo, Oktyabrskaya and Aviatorov streets caught fire. Thanks to the prompt actions of district police officers, the arsonists were detained.

— The persons who carried out the arson were identified and detained. These are local residents born in 1997 and 2001, both previously convicted. It is worth paying attention to contractual relations. Two of the three houses were sold, the third house has not yet passed the auction, that is, it is on the books of the city administration. The first two contracts expired on September 30. It is quite possible that there may be a commercial interest in these arson attacks,” reported the head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Maxim Kuznetsov.

Also, the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Dmitry Zaitsev, said during the planning meeting that one of the houses was connected to gas.

“I ask you to look into it and solve this problem as soon as possible,” the head of the region ordered.

Photo: Evgeny Timofeev/

In addition, during the operational meeting, the issue of closing the fire season in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug was raised.

— The fire danger period in the region began on June 14, its duration was 106 days. The season went as usual. There were no forest fires in the forestry area. During this period, employees of the regional dispatch service conducted round-the-clock surveillance and made five air raids patrolling the territory on an AN-2 aircraft during hot days,” explained Albert Chabdarov, head of the department of natural resources and agro-industrial complex of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

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