
Residents of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug can write the All-Russian Economic Dictation

It will be held on October 11 in an online format, tasks can be completed from 5 to 22 hours Moscow time

Photo: Ekaterina Ester/

The main goal of the Economic Dictation is educational: to arouse interest in economic science and the current economic agenda, to show that economic knowledge is necessary for everyone to make daily decisions. According to the Nenets Regional Center for Educational Development, the tasks of the action were compiled for two categories of participants: schoolchildren in grades 9-11, as well as university students and everyone interested.

— The event was first held in 2017 and since then has significantly increased its geography and number of participants. For many, writing an Economic Dictation in October has already become a good tradition. Last year, 234,572 people from 89 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as eight neighboring countries, took part in the event. Based on the results of the dictation, a statistical analysis will be carried out, which will make it possible to judge the level of economic literacy of the population as a whole, as well as in individual regions of Russia, the organizers note.

You can become a participant in the dictation by registering using the link The organizers assure that general erudition is sufficient to write an economic dictation, although some questions may seem difficult. To avoid any difficulties in completing tasks, on the educational campaign page on VKontakte publish reference materials.

Let us explain, the All-Russian Economic Dictation is organized by the Free Economic Society of Russia with the participation of the International Union of Economists.

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