
In the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, preparations have begun for the Unified State Examination in 2024

Photo: Ekaterina Ester/

How reports The Department of Education, Culture and Sports, all examination points took part in the all-Russian training event to conduct a unified state certification in the Russian language, English (section “Speaking”), computer science and ICT in computer form (KEG) without the involvement of students.

— In the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, when conducting the Unified State Exam, examination materials are received at the examination point via the Internet, printed and scanned in classrooms, and the exam in computer science and ICT is conducted in computer form. At training events, PPE employees practice the algorithm of actions when conducting the Unified State Exam using these technologies,” said Alexander Shamov, head of the Regional Information Processing Center.

He noted that during the academic year, all training centers will undergo such training more than once. This is necessary in order to install and test equipment, ensure information security and minimize errors during the exam.

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