
District teachers joined the Class Teachers Forum

The third Forum of Class Teachers is taking place in Moscow these days. The first session of the event is attended by 1,500 teachers from 89 regions of the Russian Federation – class teachers of grades 1–5 and teachers of special classes. The Nenets Autonomous Okrug is represented by several teachers of the region

Photo courtesy of Gayuna Khatanzeiskaya

As one of the Forum participants noted, at panel discussions, round tables and master classes with colleagues from all over the country, issues of team building and how to interest students in the history of the small and large Motherland were raised. They also discussed the role of art in education and psychological support for teachers, and talked about professions that are significant for the state.

— Today the first session of the Forum in which I took part ended. I can say with confidence that over three years the Forum has grown significantly organizationally. I was a participant in the 1st FKR. Over the course of several days, we received a large amount of useful information, exchanged experience with teachers from other regions of the country, and shared teaching methods and advice. Of course, this kind of event is a unique opportunity for each of us. Subject matter experts and famous people acted as invited guests for us: politicians, public figures, cultural figures,” noted Gayuna Khatanzeiskaya, a primary school teacher at Secondary School No. 1.

Today, on Teacher’s Day, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova, Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Sergei Kravtsov, Russian radio and television presenter Vladimir Solovyov and others addressed the forum participants with welcoming remarks.

In the evening, a concert will be held for all forum participants at the State Kremlin Palace, dedicated to Teacher’s Day.

Let us remind you that the second change of the forum will take place from October 5-7. It will be attended by class teachers of grades 6-11, group curators in secondary vocational education.

Anyone can join the forum broadcast and become a participant in correspondence format.

The Forum is held by the Ministry of Education of Russia on behalf of the President of Russia. The strategic partner of the FKR is the ANO Dialogue Regions, the parent organization of the Regional Management Centers.

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