
72% of Russians believe that schoolchildren should hand over gadgets to the teacher before the start of the lesson

On the eve of Teacher’s Day, the sociological agency Weber analyzed the results of online sociology: will artificial intelligence replace teachers and whether schoolchildren should give up their phones before the start of the lesson

Photo: Ekaterina Ester/

Thus, 64% believe that teaching children in schools with the help of AI is impossible, and according to 20%, AI will never replace a teacher. At the same time, 25% believe that teaching children in schools with the help of artificial intelligence is possible in the future, another 44% of respondents are against allowing AI to teach, since school is “not only about knowledge, but also education.”

Russians’ belief in the professionalism of teachers echoes their school dreams of a profession. As Weber data showed, in childhood, 14% of adults wanted to choose a career as a teacher.

What do Russians say about using smartphones in class? Online polls show that 72% support handing over gadgets to teachers before class, while 25% are against the practice.

In general, the use of smartphones at school is noted by 44% of respondents as an acceptable practice for communicating with parents/in case of emergency. Another 33% is acceptable only during breaks, 12% is unacceptable and is acceptable to use in any cases – 11%.

“Weber” is a project of ANO “Dialogue” and ANO “Dialogue Regions” for public opinion research using modern online tools. We combine a classical approach with digital technologies, and put people with their unique views and contradictions as a priority.

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