
US and UK jointly bomb Yemen’s Houthis for the second time

USA and the United Kingdom They bombed this Monday several positions of Yemen’s Houthi rebelsin what represents the second joint operation of the two nations against that group, the Pentagon reported in a statement.

The operation had as one of its main objectives the destruction of one of the underground warehouses where the Houthis keep some of the missiles they use against ships in the Red Sea. The strikes also targeted other Houthi positions used for aerial surveillance, the Pentagon detailed.

In total, the operation resulted in the destruction of eight objectives. The statement did not report any deaths in the operation. The United States and the United Kingdom carried out the attacks with the backing of Australia, Bahrain, Canada and the Netherlandsas reported by their respective governments in a statement.

Just this Monday, the American president, Joe Bidenspoke by phone with the British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunakon various topics, including security in the Red Sea, the White House reported in a statement.

The new attack occurs ten days later The United States and the United Kingdom launched a joint first strike against 60 targets in Yemen linked to the Houthis, in what was the first major act of retaliation against the insurgents for the attacks in the Red Sea.

Since that first joint attack occurred, the United States has launched several separate attacks against the Houthis, many of them against missiles that, according to Washington, posed an imminent threat to ships in the Red Sea.

The Houthis, a militia backed by Iran that controls extensive areas in Yemenhas carried out numerous attacks in the Red Sea and the Strait of Bab al Mandeb against ships that, they claim, are related to Israel or heading towards that country.

The Houthis claim their attacks are a retaliation for the offensive that Israel launched on the Gaza Strip after the attack by the Palestinian group Hamas on October 7. The violence has stoked fears that the war in Gaza, where 25,000 people have already died, escalates and becomes a regional war.

Furthermore, these Houthi attacks could have a major impact on the global economy because, Almost 15% of global maritime trade circulates through the Red Sea..

On the diplomatic front, last week the United States attempted to disrupt the Houthis’ funding streams by designating them as “terrorists”an action that the group considered as a “honor”. The Houthis are part of the so-called “Axis of Resistance” orchestrated by Iran to expand its influence in the Middle East.

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