
Trump heads into the Republican caucus in Iowa with a huge lead over his rivals

The former president of the United States Donald Trump will attend the electoral assemblies (the so-called caucuses) of the Republican Party that are held this Monday in the state of Iowa, the real starting signal in the race to the White House which will culminate in November, with a minimum advantage of 30 points over their immediate rivals, according to the average of polls collected by the RealClearPolitics website and the latest poll this weekend published by the NBC network.

The judicial proceedings against the tycoon they have not undermined the perception at all that he has the hard core of the Republican bases in the state, such as evangelical Christians, according to the conclusions of the NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa poll, nor does it seem that the sub-zero temperatures on election night are going to deter to his followers.

Right now, according to the NBC poll, 48 percent of registered Republican voters have Trump as their first choice, followed by former US ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, with 20 percent and the governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, with 16 percent. The RealClearPolitics average further accentuates the differences: Trump would take 52 percent of the votes compared to 18.2 for Haley and 15.6 percent for DeSantis.

The current system encourages a competition that takes place in the first half of the election year, based on a calendar that is divided by states. Depending on each territory, a primary system is usedcomparable to a traditional vote with ballot boxes, or a caucus, in which citizens linked to a certain party debate and choose their favorites, in some cases by show of hands and without the need for ballots.

In any case, the election is not direct, whether through primaries or caucuses, what citizens are deciding is the composition of the delegation of said state in the national conventions, where the proclamation of the person who will represent will be formally made. to training in the general elections – this year they will take place on November 5 -. The Republican Party will hold its convention between July 15 and 18 in Milwaukee (Wisconsin), while the Democrat will meet from August 19 to 22 in Chicago (Illinois).

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