
The Israeli Army suffers the bloodiest ambush since the war began

He Israeli Army has suffered the bloodiest ambush since the war with the Islamic terrorist group Hamas began on October 7. Nine soldiers have died east of Gaza City and another soldier in the north of the Strip.

According to the UN, the situation in the Gaza Strip is catastrophicwhere they are getting lost countless civilian lives due to massive and indiscriminate bombings. For this reason, the international organization has once again requested a humanitarian ceasefire.

On the other hand, the United States government led by Joe Biden has once again complained to the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, measures to protect civilians. Furthermore, the American president has reminded him that the “indiscriminate bombing“of civilians is costing Israel the support of the international community.

Despite international pressure, nothing is going to stop us

For his part, the Israeli prime minister has rejected the pressure and assures that will keep the offensive against Hamas until the end, just as he had promised at the beginning of the conflict. “There is no doubt in this. I say this with great pain and Despite international pressure, nothing is going to stop us. We will go all the way to victory. We will not settle for anything less than that“.

Israel has reported the death of 10 of his soldiers in the last 24 hours, including a colonel commanding a forward base and a lieutenant colonel commanding a regiment. Most of the deaths occurred in the Shejaia district of Gaza City, where troops were ambushed trying to rescue another group of soldiers who had attacked combatants of Hamas in a building.

On the other hand, Hamas has pointed out that this event demonstrated that the forces Israelis will never be able to subdue Gaza: “The longer you stay there, the greater the number of your deaths and losses it will be, and you will come out of it queue of disappointment and loss, God willing“.

18,608 dead and 50,594 injured in Gaza

The Gaza Ministry of Health estimated the number of deceased since it began war in 18,608 people and the number of wounded has risen to 50,594 people.

Likewise, the majority of Gaza’s 2.3 million inhabitants have left homeless because of the bombings.

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