
Save The Children denounces a “monstrous situation” in Gaza with 10,000 children dead

According to the latest report from Save The Children, 1% of Gaza’s child population has died due to the Israeli Army offensive. The authorities of the Strip, controlled by Hamas, report to date more than 23,400 deaths and estimate that another 7,000 bodies – among them those of thousands of children – remain under the rubble.

Save The Children denounces a “monstrous situation” in Gaza, a “scourge on common humanity”which the international community has not been able to stop.

100 children die on average every day

Arantxa Oses, spokesperson for Save The Children, regrets that Every day that the definitive ceasefire in the Strip is delayed, an average of a hundred children die. The rest live terrified, mutilated or displaced. The NGO reminds that those who survive violence suffer life-changing injuries: burns, illnesses, inadequate medical care and the loss of their parents and other loved ones. The mental damage inflicted and the devastation – according to the NGO report – will end up decimating their future.

Many other Gazan children are at risk of dying from hunger or disease.

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