
Sánchez guarantees Iraq Spain’s commitment to the country’s security

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, guaranteed this Thursday to the Prime Minister of Iraq, Mohamed Shia al Sudani, that Spain will maintain its commitment to the security and stability of the country, a responsibility that was exemplified in the presence of military personnel in international missions.

Sánchez has ratified that support in a joint statement with Al Sudani after the meeting that both have held in Baghdad and with which the Spanish Chief Executive has started the agenda of his trip to Iraq.

An agenda that also includes a meeting with the country’s president, Abdelatif Rashid, a visit to the Spanish troops who are on a multinational mission in Iraq and a meeting together with Al Sudani with a group of Spanish businessmen to explore investment possibilities.

Importance of the visit

The Government has highlighted the importance of this visit, the first of an official nature by a head of the Spanish Executive to Iraq since former president José María Aznar traveled to this country in 2003 but when it was still under the administration of the United States.

In the appearance of the two heads of Government, Sánchez highlighted Spain’s commitment to the security and stability of Iraq, which he said is exemplified by the presence of the military in the country and which he considered becomes more visible with the fact that, since last May, a Spanish general has been in command of the NATO training mission.

This commitment to the security of Iraq will continue, he stressed, and always at the request of the Iraqi authorities, it will support the unity, sovereignty and stability of Iraq.

Concern about tension in the area

The President of the Government has conveyed to his Iraqi counterpart his concern about the increase in regional tension and its consequences in Iraq and has shown him Spain’s support and gratitude for the efforts made to protect the international troops deployed in his country. .

In the analysis of the situation in the region, they discussed the situation in Gaza, and Sánchez indicated that hostilities must cease.

Thus has reiterated its position on the matter so that the international community and the parties in conflict focus their efforts on finding a solution and in the establishment of a serious and credible political process that implies the effective materialization of the two-state solution.

Sánchez has assured that Bilateral relations are excellent but still have great potential.

In this context, he has framed the joint declaration signed on the occasion of this visit, which identifies the areas in which progress is possible and which sets ambitious objectives in the political, economic, commercial, cultural and educational fields.

The result of this visit is also the agreement to hold a meeting of the Joint Economic and Trade Commission in Baghdad in 2024.

Sánchez has also conveyed to the Iraqi Prime Minister the interest of a large number of Spanish companies in working together with partners from his country for the reconstruction and development of Iraq.

The presence on this trip of a delegation of company representatives who have traveled with him from Madrid has been considered a reflection of that interest.

After his meeting with the prime minister, the head of the Government has moved to the residence of the president of Iraq, Abdelatif Rashid, to hold another meeting with him in which he plans to insist on the same message of support for Iraq and promotion of the bilateral relations.

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