
Sánchez discusses with Zelensky the progress towards Ukraine’s incorporation into the EU

The President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sanchezhe addressed this Thursday in a telephone conversation with his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelenskyprogress towards accession of Ukraine to the European Union and has assured that from the Spanish Executive They continue working “to achieve consensus” of the Twenty-Seven to open negotiations.

The head of the Executive has once again reiterated the Government’s support for the Ukrainian people, pointing out that Ukraine continues to be “a priority” for Spain “as a bilateral partner” and from the rotating Presidency of the Council of the EU.

“It is essential to maintain unity in the face of Russian aggression”Sánchez defended in a message published on the social network X.

In a statement, Moncloa has also expressed the Government’s commitment to Ukraine “as long as it is necessary, both in the military, financial and humanitarian spheres”claiming unity because “the values ​​of the EU itself are at stakeas the defense of a rules-based international order”.

In this sense, the president has reiterated Spanish support for Peace Plan of 10 points from Zelensky, an initiative that fits the International right and the United Nations Charter.

For his part, Zelensky has also shared his congratulations to Sánchez after his re-election and the formation of the new Government. “I am pleased to continue our friendly and constructive dialogue”he has defended.

According to the Ukrainian president, both political leaders discussed “issues of security and the progress of Ukraine towards the finalization of all the recommendations of the European Commission on the eve of the European Council”.

“We hope that the Spanish Presidency of the EU concludes with a historic decision to open Ukraine’s accession negotiations to the EU,” Zelensky claimed.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, Jose Manuel Albaresalready transferred his Ukrainian counterpart last week, Dimitro Kulebahe support from Spain for the EU to begin negotiations for Ukraine’s accession to the bloc, in line with what is recommended by Brussels.

The meeting, which Albares described as “productive”took place on the sidelines of the ministerial meeting of the NATO in Brussels. “I have reiterated Spain’s firm commitment to the defense of peace, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine,” the minister explained on social networks.

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