
Putin assures that the United States has the key to negotiating an agreement in Ukraine

The president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, reiterated in the interview with the ultra-conservative former presenter of the American network FOX, Tucker Carlson, broadcast last night, his well-known messages to the West: that The United States holds the key to negotiating an agreement in Ukraine and that it was that country that started the war in 2014.

The interview with this ultra-conservative journalist was the first he gave to a Western journalist since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, in two hours of conversation in which the head of the Kremlin spoke at ease and reiterated his well-known messages to the West:

  • “The United States controls the kyiv government, which refuses to negotiate, so the start of settlement talks depends on Washington”;
  • “It was Ukraine that started the war in 2014 when President Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown. “Russia’s goal is to end this war and the military campaign that began on February 24, 2022 is an attempt to end it”;
  • “Russia has not yet achieved its objectives in Ukraine, because one of them is its denazification. Russians and Ukrainians are one people, so the conflict has signs of civil war.”
  • “If someone comes up with the idea of ​​sending regular troops to support Ukraine, it would put humanity on the brink of a global conflict”;
  • “Those who called for delivering a strategic defeat to Russia and defeating it on the battlefield are beginning to understand that it is impossible, by definition, that it will never happen.”
  • “The best thing would be to reach agreements, but based on the understanding that Russia will fight for its interests until the end”;
  • “The issue does not lie in who is in charge of the United States, but in the spirit of its elites. If the idea of ​​domination predominates in American society, it will achieve the opposite effect”;
  • “The world will change regardless of how events in Ukraine end.”

Release of prisoners

In addition to the classic messages to the West, in the interview Putin suggested a possible release of prisoners: hand over to the US the American journalist Evan Gershkovich, accused in Russia of espionage in exchange for the Russian Vadím Krásikov, convicted in Germany for the murder of a Chechen dissident.

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