
New bombings in Yemen increase tension in the Red Sea

A vessel of USA was hit this Monday by a missile while passing through gulf of aden, south of Yemen. The United Kingdom has indicated that the attack took place about 95 miles from the city of Aden and the United States has confirmed that the attacked ship is its property.

“The ship has not reported any injuries or significant damage and continues its journey”, explained the North American Central Command. The projectile could have caused a fire on the deck and two other missiles have fallen into the water.

The US Armed Forces speak openly of an attack by “Houthi militiamen supported by Iran”although they have not commented on what happened.

After this attack there has been a new round of airstrikes that hit this Monday near the airport Hodeidah, in Yemen, on the coast of the Red Sea. According to witnesses, a big explosionbut the extent of the bombing is still unknown.

These incidents are added to the latest attacks carried out by the Houthi rebels in the area, which intensified last Thursday after the response of USA and United Kingdom against Yemen with bombings that resulted in five dead.

The Houthi rebels claimed behind them that “all interests” of the United States and the United Kingdom “have become legitimate objectives”and reiterated that they will continue their attacks against Israeli ships or those that go to Israeli ports “to end the siege, stop the aggression and the war of extermination against Gaza and achieve the delivery of food, medicine and fuel.

Sánchez, open to sending liaison officers to the Red Sea

The president of the Government, Pedro Sanchezhas shown itself willing to “study” the United States proposal that Spain can participate with liaison officers in the mission led by Washington to protect shipping in the Red Sea against attacks by the Houthi rebels, after having refused to be part of it from the beginning.

“We are now going to study the proposal they are making to us” from Washington, the president commented in an interview on RNE. With this, Sánchez has opened the door for Spain to finally have liaison officers in the ‘Guardian of Prosperity’ operation, while he has made it clear that he is not opposed to this mission. “We are not going to oppose but we will see what kind of participation we have”he stated.

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