
Netanyahu warns that if Hezbollah enters war, “he will make the worst mistake of his life”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated this Sunday that if the Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah goes to war against Israel in support of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, “it will make the worst mistake of its life” and “will miss” the 2006 conflict.

In a visit to Israeli troops deployed on the border with Lebanon, where clashes are intensifying, Netanyahu stated that “if Hezbollah decides to enter the war, it will long for the second war in Lebanon. It will be making the worst mistake of its life.” , according to a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office.

“We will hit Hezbollah with a force it cannot even imagine and the consequences for them and for Lebanon will be devastating,” said the Israeli prime minister.

“I know you have lost friends and it is very difficult, but we are in the fight of our lives, a fight for our home. That’s not an exaggeration, that’s what this war is like. It is kill or be killed, and it is necessary to kill them,” he told the soldiers.

The border between Israel and Lebanon is experiencing its most tense moment since 2006, when Israeli troops and Hezbollah fought a war, with intense exchanges of fire for fifteen consecutive days.

In recent days, the Lebanese militia has launched dozens of anti-tank missiles, rockets and mortar shells into Israeli territory, where some of its troops have tried to infiltrate, to which Israel has responded with intense artillery and air attacks.

In the last 24 hours, Hezbollah has claimed responsibility for up to six attacks against Israeli territory, which responded with intense fire and caused at least three casualties in the ranks of the Lebanese group.

Saturday was one of the most tense days on the Lebanese-Israeli border since Israel’s parallel war began with the Islamist militias of Gaza led by Hamas, responsible for the terrorist attack against Israeli territory on the 7th in which 1,400 died. people and more than 200 were kidnapped.

As a result of the Israeli bombings in Gaza, 4,651 people have died and more than 14,200 have been injured.

The deputy secretary general of Hezbollah, Naim Qasem, assured yesterday, Saturday, in a speech during the funerals of some members of the group killed in combat that he “will intervene in the war” if Israel begins a ground incursion into Gaza.

In this sense, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant warned that Hezbollah “will pay a very high price” because “it has already joined the fight.”

This Sunday, Israel ordered the evacuation of another fourteen communities in the north, close to the border with Lebanon, while intensifying its attacks against the military infrastructure of the Shiite Hezbollah militia, which has also increased the launch of anti-tank missiles and rockets into Israeli territory.

“The National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA) of the Ministry of Defense and the Israel Defense Forces announce the expansion of the state-funded evacuation plan to additional communities in northern Israel,” a military spokesperson reported.

Last week, Israel already ordered the evacuation of 28 communities located less than two kilometers from the border with Lebanon, which had some 20,000 inhabitants; and a few days later the city of Kyriat Shemona, 10 kilometers away and with a population of 23,000.

The last fifteen days of escalation on the border between Lebanon and Israel have caused at least 41 deaths: 6 in Israel – 5 soldiers and a civilian – and at least 35 in Lebanon, including 8 civilians – among them an agency cameraman Reuters-, 21 members of Hezbollah and 6 members of Palestinian militias.

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