
More problems for Kate Middleton: they try to ‘hack’ her medical history at the London Clinic

The problems continue to Kate Middleton. The Princess of Wales is still absent after her intervention last January for abdominal surgery and her ‘reappearance’ in a video published by The Sun has not clarified at all the halo of mystery that surrounds her at the moment. to her person.

Kate Middleton appeared in a video published this Tuesday by The Sunrecorded with a mobile phone and in which you can see the Princess of Wales walking with Prince William in a local produce store parking lot.

This video has led to the emergence of new theories about Kate Middleton’s absence these months. The only certainty so far is that The Royal House itself has confirmed to the BBC that it was the Princess of Walesalthough they still do not give any explanations about his condition, beyond the fact that he continues to recover after the intervention scheduled at the beginning of the year.

They try to access his file at the London Clinic

The latest difficulty comes from The London Clinic, where Kate Middleton had surgery in January. The clinic itself has admitted that there was a ‘hacking’ attempt by a member of its staff, who tried to access Kate Middleton’s file.

The hospital classifies it as a “serious security breach that damages its reputation”according to internal sources told The Daily Mirror, which also assures that the clinic does not confirm if the person continues to work there.

“All staff were shocked and distressed by the fact that there could be a trusted colleague responsible for such abuse of trust and ethics“, hospital sources tell The Daily Mirror.

Furthermore, according to the aforementioned British media, a internal investigation to clarify what happened.

Conspiracy theories about Kate Middleton’s absence

The conspiracy theories unleashed on social networks due to the absence of the Princess of Wales have reached the vast majority of British citizens, according to a survey that reflects, however, that the debate that arose around the public absence of Kate Middleton does not seem to have affected the trust in the Royal House and its main members.

The princess has disappeared from public life since mid-January and the Dissemination of a manipulated photo with his three children fueled the debatebarely silenced this Monday with the dissemination of a video by the tabloid ‘The Sun’ in which Catherine appears with her husband, Prince William, shopping in Windsor last weekend.

51% of Britons admit they have read some kind of theory about the disappearance of the princess on the Internet, according to a YouGov poll released this Tuesday by the Sky News network. 44% were not aware of this parallel debate that emerged on networks, while 5% are not sure.

The Royal House has appealed to the privacy of the princess to avoid reporting her health status, which also coincides with a cancer diagnosis for King Charles III, and 41% of the people interviewed in this survey believe that they are doing well. For 36%, however, there is a lack of information about Kate Middleton’s situation, while only 5% think that too much data has been provided.

The proportion of those who believe that Buckingham Palace has given the appropriate amount of information about the health of Charles III Instead, it amounts to 64%, despite the fact that in this case it has only emerged that he has cancer and no data has been offered regarding the type of disease he suffers from or the treatment he requires.

What seems unchanged for now is the popularity of members of the Royal House, since 68% of those interviewed affirm that their opinion of the princess has not changed and 9% even point out that it has improved. In the case of the monarch, for 72% the image has not changed and 11% affirm that they now trust Charles III more.

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