
Italy assumes leadership of the G7 at a critical moment in world geopolitics

Italy assumes from today the G7 presidency, when the wars in Gaza and Ukraine and the crisis in the Taiwan Strait, together with great challenges such as terrorism, pandemics or Artificial Intelligence (AI), call into question the international order established after the end of the Cold War.

In this critical moment in global geopolitics Japan transfers leadership of the seven richest countries in the world to an Italy that will have to achieve a very complex consensus, extended to the G20, essential to face new threats.

The task seems titanic, if not impossible, for the Italian minister, the far-right Giorgia Meloni, which, however, has been thoroughly prepared to offer the best side of Italy in the largest international showcase.

A crucial moment

The powder keg of the Middle East, the war in Ukraine, relations with the “global South”, Africa and migration and the link between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and democracy will be topics at the summit of world leaders to be held from the 13th to the 15th June in the Apulia region (southern), a carefully chosen setting.

“It symbolizes the embrace between East and West and is also the best way to overcome the narrative of the West on the one hand and the rest of the world on the other,” Meloni explained.

The summit will come after a series of events that have confirmed in the last year that the world is no longer stable: the ukraine war, the Taiwan Strait crisis, the Nagorno-Karabakh war and the aggression of Hamas and the response of Israel.

Meloni’s leadership

But, after just over a year of government, the Italian prime minister is a established political figure and will not miss the opportunity of the G7 to show the world the new face of Italian leadership.

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