
Hezbollah leader says US is responsible for war in Gaza and Israel is just an instrument

Hasan Nasrallahleader of the Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah, has stated that the United States is the “fully responsible“of the war in Gaza and who Israel is”just an instrument“.

In a televised speech, his first public appearance since the beginning of the escalation of violence in the Gaza Strip and southern Lebanon, Hezbollah’s main authority stressed that it is “the United States that prevents a ceasefire” and the which also prevents “the enemy from being internationally condemned.”

“The US must be held accountable for its crimes“, since “he has been the main person responsible for all the massacres of the last century and the current century,” he stated.

Hezbollah leader sees fight against Israel as morally and religiously “legitimate”

Hasan Nasrallah has affirmed that the battle against Israel is “legitimate” at the level moral, religious and humanitarianin his first speech since the beginning of the intense cross attacks between his formation and the Jewish State almost a month ago.

“The battle against these Zionist invaders and occupiers is totally legitimate from a humanitarian, moral and religious point of view,” he stated in his speech, televised live on related channels.

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