
Hamas denounces that Israel has broken into the Al Shifa hospital in Gaza

Islamic terrorist group Hamas has denounced that the Israeli Army is committing a “war crime” after this morning his troops entered the Al Shifa hospital. Place where Israelis acknowledge that they have carried out a “precise operation” since, they say, the Islamist group has its main command center there.

“The occupation army’s assault on the Al Shifa medical complex It is a war crime, a moral crime and a crime against humanity“the Gaza government spokesperson confirmed in a statement.

According to what they say, after several days of siege to the hospital, the Israeli troops have fired inside, “despite knowing that there are some 9,000 medical personnel, wounded, sick and displaced.” In recent days, the Army “bombed more than five buildings inside the complex and fired fire and projectiles against the injured, displaced and the medical teams present in the interior of the complex“.

“We hold fully responsible occupation, to the international community already the USA of America for the safety of thousands of medical personnel, the wounded and the internally displaced,” Hamas said.

And they add that “the occupation Army is committing a once again a heinous and premeditated crime” and maintain that they are committing “several massacres against hospitals, medical personnel and ambulances, causing more than 700 deaths” since the conflict began on October 7.

On the other hand, the ANP Minister of Health, Mai al Kaila, has also denounced the events in a statement. “The Israeli occupation forces are committing a new crime against humanity…) We hold the occupying forces fully responsible for the lives of the medical staff, patients and displaced people at Al Shifa medical complex“, he commented.

Israel confirms operation in Gaza hospital

For its part, the Israeli Army has confirmed that during the early hours of the morning they carried carry out a “precise and targeted operation” against Hamas in the Al Shifa hospital, supported by “intelligence information” and an “operational need.”

“The Israel Defense Forces have publicly warned time and again that the continued military use of the aforementioned hospital by Hamas jeopardizes their protected status under international law, and have given sufficient time to stop this illegal hospital abuse“said an Army spokesperson.

However, through their Twitter account, they have explained that they have not attacked civilians. “We can now confirm that incubators, baby food and the medical supplies provided by the IDF have successfully arrived at the hospital. Our medical team and Arabic-speaking soldiers are on the ground to ensure these supplies reach those who need them”.

Likewise, the spokesperson clarified that they had given a 12-hour deadline for Palestinian militants to cease all military activities within the hospital, “But unfortunately they ignored it.”

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