
First day of truce between Israel and Hamas begins

At 7:00 a.m. (06:00 Spanish time), the first truce between Israel and Hamas since the war began on October 7. The second part of the agreement is the release of 50 of the 240 hostages kidnapped by the Islamic terrorist group in exchange for 150 Palestinian prisoners.

There are four days in which it will be used for entry of humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip. About 200 trucks with aid are expected to enter daily humanitarian, food and medicine and four others with fuel.

Days that could extend up to ten if Hamas releases to more kidnapped. If the truce is not broken, the exchange of hostages for prisoners will begin to take place soon. from 4:00 p.m. (local time). Hamas will release the first thirteenall of them Women and children and whose families the Government has already contacted Israel to give them the good news.

In similar quotas, Hamas will release the 50 kidnapped from the agreement and, once they are safe, the Israeli government will release 150 Palestinian prisoners no blood crimes.

Alerts sound in Gaza

Despite the entry into force of the agreement, some anti-missile alerts at some points of the Gaza Stripalthough, at the moment, it cannot be confirmed that any bombing has occurred and, therefore, broken the truce.

“The criterion for prioritizing the hostages was purely humanitarian and we focused on putting out of danger to women and children as quickly as possible,” said Majed al Ansari, the Qatari spokesman. He has also expressed confidence that both parties will comply with the truce after appreciating “positivism and commitment.”

For their part, the al-Qasam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, celebrated this “humanitarian truce” that will allow the “prisoner exchange”. “For every Zionist prisoner three Palestinian prisoners will be releaseds, among them women and children,” they commented.

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