
Borrell presents a peace plan for the conflict between Israel and Palestine that the two States demand

The Spanish Foreign Minister, José Manuel Albares, said this Monday that the time has come to “implement” the creation of the Palestinian state, as a solution to end the war in Gaza that has been going on for more than three months. “It is no longer a matter of saying that one is in favor of the two-state solution. Obviously, the entire international community and the entire European Union is and this has been repeated on many occasions. Spain’s effort from the first moment is in implement that solution,” Albares said in statements to the press.

Upon arrival at the meeting that the EU foreign ministers are holding today in Brussels, Albares stated that “it is time to talk about the materialization of two states“, one Israeli and the other Palestinian. That Palestinian State, according to the minister, must be “realistic and viable”, uniting Gaza and the West Bank by a corridor to maintain the territorial continuity of a country that must be governed “under the same Palestinian authority “, with its capital in East Jerusalem.

“If we want this time to be the last time we see this explosion of violence in the Middle East We have to give a horizon of hope to the Palestinian people,” said Albares, who also insisted on the need to hold a peace conference to end the current war between Israel and Hamas.

The “comprehensive” peace plan that Borrell has presented

Along the same lines as Albares, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs spoke today, Josep Borrell, for whom “we must stop talking about peace, the peace process, and start talking more specifically about a process for a two-state solution.” Borrell has presented a peace plan to the EU countries to be able to materialize this Palestinian State which the European ministers will discuss today, together with their counterparts from Israel, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan, as well as the secretary general of the Arab League.

The foreign ministers of the European Union (EU) expressed this Monday their support for demanding a two-state solution, as requested by the plan outlined by the head of community diplomacy, Josep Borrell.

European ministers to exchange views separately by their counterparts from Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan, as well as the secretary general of the Arab League, who have been invited to Brussels.

Borrell’s decalogue contemplates the creation of a Palestinian state and the normalization of relations between Israel and the Arab worldas well as that the international community takes the initiative in the talks and that later Israelis and Palestinians sit down to negotiate directly, among whom the presence of the Islamist group Hamas is ruled out.

An idea that the solution comes from outside that Borrell already expressed on January 3 from Lisbon, when he said that “peace can only be achieved in a lasting way if the international community is dramatically involved in achieving it and imposes a solution.”

Israel asks the EU for support in the release of the hostages

The Israeli Foreign Minister, Israel Katzasked this Monday in Brussels that the European Union support his country in the war it is maintaining in Gaza against Hamas and in the release of the hostages that the Palestinian militia captured on October 7.

Invited by the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, Katz met with his EU counterparts to discuss the situation in the Middle East and, upon arrival at the meeting, He demanded the support of the Twenty-Seven to free the hostages.

In a brief statement without questions to the press, the minister showed two photographs with the faces, he said, of a one-year-old Israeli baby and another young girl captured by Hamas and said that their release is “urgent and very important.” Katz also called for EU support in the war in Gaza, where Israeli soldiers “are fighting in very harsh conditions” with the aim of returning security to Israel after the Hamas attack on October 7, which left more than 1,200 dead and 240 kidnapped, of which it is estimated that 136 are still captive.

Katz avoided answering journalists’ questions about the peace plan that Borrell has proposed.

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