
Actress Ashley Park, from ‘Emily in Paris’, on the verge of dying from critical septic shock

Ashley Parkthe actress who plays Mindy Chen in ‘Emily in Paris’, has been about to die at 32 years old because of a septic shock. It is a serious condition “in which the body responds incorrectly to an infection,” they explain at the mayo clinic.

It was the actress herself who recounted what she experienced through a post published on her Instagram account. “As I sit here processing and recovering from the first weeks of 2024, The only word I can think of is gratitude.“, the young woman begins.

As he commented, he was on vacation in December, on New Year’s, and “what started as tonsillitis became a “critical septic shock”that infected and affected several his organs“. “I appreciate that my health has improved despite what we had been told initially.

The actress also took the opportunity to thank her boyfriend, Paul Forman, “for being unconditionally” at his side. “You calmed my fears and carried me through ambulances, three foreign hospitals, a week in the ICU, terrifying emergency rooms, countless scans, tests and injections, excruciating pain and so much confusion, all while we were alone on the other side of the world . I love you Pablo. More than I can ever say“, has declared.

For her part, Park has also been deeply grateful to all the ICU doctors and nurses, who “worked tirelessly” and especially to the team at Joali Being, “for responding immediately and staying with me to provide language translations and vital support.” “Infinite thanks to my personal team of heroes at home who They were on guard with the insurance, to Paul, my parents and the doctors at all hours (you already know who you are)”, he pointed out.

Finally, the American actress has acknowledged that she had her doubts about sharing the event, since she is still recovering. “Thank you for reading this. I’m sorry to be so absent recently for so many people and people in my life. I love you all. “I am recovering and I promise that I will be fine,” he concluded his statement.

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