
At least 22 dead and more than 50 injured in a shooting in Maine, United States

The local police of the city of Lewistonin the state of Maine (United States), is looking for a former Army instructor in the use of weapons on suspicion of having killed at least 22 peopleand injured more than 50 in several places in the town, including a restaurant and a bowling alley.

The man, 40 years old and white, has been identified by authorities as Robert Cardwho continues on the run and must be considered “armed and dangerous”according to a statement on social media from the Lewiston Police.

History of mental health problems

Some American media report that the perpetrator of the shootings could have a history of problems with mental health. Thus, according to the ABC television network – which cites police sources – Robert Card spent two weeks this summer in a mental health center after threaten to carry out a shooting at a National Guard base.

Classes are suspended until he is arrested

Authorities in Lewiston and surrounding areas have asked citizens to stay inside their homes “with the doors locked” and do not approach any stranger.

Likewise, the head of Maine’s public schools, Jake Langlais, has announced the suspension of classes during this Thursday in all educational centers.

The murderer is still at large

The three shootings have taken place at a restaurant, a bowling alley and a third unspecified location. Local police have distributed several images of Card in which he appears holding an assault rifle similar to the AR15, a favorite of America’s serial killers.

At the moment, authorities continue to search for the suspect, who still free and whereabouts unknown.

The worst shooting recorded so far this year

The organization The Gun Violence Archive has reported that it is the worst mass shooting of 2023, and that it is number 565 this year. The file considers a mass shooting to be a shooting in which at least four people are injured, excluding the shooter.

In addition, the death toll is very close to the state’s annual homicides in 2022, which reached 29, while in 2020 there were 20, according to data from the Department of Public Safety.

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