
All the irregularities of the Thai police denounced by Daniel Sancho’s lawyers

The family of Daniel Sancho He has stated that he has denounced that “the actions of the Thai Police have been full of irregularities” and “they deceived him until he confessed”, promising him a deportation in two days and mistranslating his statement.

Daniel Sancho, son of the actor Rodolfo Sanchoremains in provisional prison for the death of the Colombian surgeon on August 2, 2023 on the tourist island of Phangan (southern Thailand), and faces a possible death penalty ahead of his trial starting April 9.

The Prosecutor’s Office accuses him of three crimes, premeditated murder, concealment of the body and destruction of other people’s documentation, in reference to Arrieta’s passport, of which only the second has been declared guilty before the judge. He previously acknowledged to the Police that he killed Arrieta and collaborated in the reconstruction of the events.

They affirm that the actions of the Police are “full of irregularities”

The lawyers in Spain for Daniel Sancho and his father have assured, in a press conference that brought together dozens of journalists, that the actions of the Police in that country have been “full of irregularities“, but they trust in the Thai Justice, which is “guarantor of human rights”, and in a trial “with all the guarantees”, in the words of the lawyer Marcos García Montes.

García Montes has said that the maximum jail sentence for the facts investigated would be between 8 and 10 years and Daniel Sancho could be transferred to Spain in three or four years, since he hit Arrieta in a fight, to defend himself from a sexual assaultand never confessed to an intentional crime, although he did dispose of the body.

He has pointed out that in Spain these events could be considered something “accidental“and have little grief.

If you are deceived from the beginning, what follows has no value

“The Police deceived Daniel Sancho until he confessed,” the lawyer maintained. Carmen Balfagonwhich has stressed that the agents “deceived Daniel with a deportation order that did not exist”, promising him that he would be in Spain in two days, and they mistranslated his statement.

“Daniel declares that there is a fight and an attempt to sexual assaulthe defended himself, the victim died,” explained this lawyer, who has assured that this “is not what the Police transcribed”, but rather they translate that he did it intentionally and that in fact he bought tools to perpetrate the crime, which has flatly denied.

He added that the Police “made false documents“while gaining the trust of the detainee to ensure that confess a crime of passion, and to prove it he has shown several photos, some unpublished, in which it is seen that the police kept the young Spaniard in a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere, bringing him hamburgers and letting him outside the police station without handcuffs, and even taking him to one of the best restaurants in Thailand.

Balfagon has stressed that, on the other hand, the lawyers of Daniel and his father are “very satisfied with the actions of the Justice in Thailand”, and they trust in a fair trial.

There have been police actions outside the judge and the prosecutor

Along the same lines, the lawyer Marcos García Montes has stated that “there have been police actions outside of the judge and the prosecutor”, and that it was not until several weeks after the crime that the provincial hearing to which the case is concerned allowed them to be at a first appearance in which they learned the tax petition.

Daniel signed documents in Thai

“If you are deceived from the beginning, what follows has no no value“said the lawyer, ensuring that Daniel signed documents in Thai.

Reconstruction of the facts

About the famous reconstruction of the events, whose images were spread and in which the accused is seen detailing how everything happened, the lawyer has said that it was “caveman and grotesque” and that “not even the Marx Brothers would have done so badly.”

He has stated that they are very happy with the Thai lawyer who is now defending Daniel and has avoided entering into controversies about the previous lawyers, trusting to be able to attend the trial accompanying the professionals thence

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