
A magnitude 6 earthquake shakes central Japan without a tsunami warning

A magnitude 6 earthquake has shaken the west coast of central Japan, the same area hit by last week’s devastating earthquake, without the tsunami warning being activated nor have significant damages been reported for the moment.

The earthquake occurred at 5:59 p.m. local time (8:59 GMT) on Tuesday, with the epicenter at a depth of 10 kilometers off the coast of Niigata prefecture, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA).

The tremor reached magnitude 6 and the epicenter was detected at a latitude close to that of the earthquake on the 1st. of magnitude 7.6 and which has left at least 202 dead and 102 missing, most of them in the Ishikawa prefecture.

In Niigata, the earthquake reached a low level of 5 on the closed Japanese scale of 7, which focuses on the destructive power of the tremor, while in the neighboring Toyama prefecture and in Ishikawa it reached a level 4.

Local authorities have not reported at the moment on new damage caused by the tremor in areas that were already hit by the earthquake on the 1st, although they have warned of the danger of new damage to buildings or infrastructure and land displacements. .

Since that earthquake, there have been numerous aftershocks, among them several with a magnitude greater than 5, and according to the JMA, during the coming weeks there is a risk of new earthquakes of equal or greater intensity than 7.6.

28,000 people displaced since the earthquake on day 1

The natural disaster that occurred on New Year’s Day It still leaves 28,000 people displaced and thousands of homes without electricity or running water.

Since recent days, snowfall in the area and damage to roads and access roads caused by the earthquake are making it difficult to transport supplies, which are having to be delivered by drones or even rescue personnel on foot by the Forces. of Self-Defense (Army) of Japan.

The earthquake on day 1 could surpass in devastation the one that occurred in 2016 in the Kumamoto prefecture (which left 273 dead, according to official figures), and is the first level 7 earthquake to be recorded in the country since 2018, when an earthquake reached level 7 on the island of Hokkaido.

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