
Residents of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug choose a name for a public garden in the village of Iskateley

How reported on the district administration website, public voting will last from October 10 to 22. Its results will be taken into account by the naming commission

Photo: Alexandra Berg/

Residents of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug are invited to take part in choosing the name of a public territory in the village of Iskateley in the area of ​​the T-34-85 Tank monument, which is being improved within the framework of the federal project “Formation of a comfortable urban environment” of the national project “Housing and Urban Environment”.

The survey organizers offer two names to choose from: Victory Square or Gvardeysky.

— The village administration decided to create a historical and patriotic park around the monument. In the future, it is planned to place military equipment from the Great Patriotic War in the park. We invite everyone to take part in determining the name of the square,” said the head of the village of Iskateley, Ivan Egorov.

You can cast your vote for the name you like on the Feedback Platform (POS) of the State Services portal. It’s very easy to do. Go via the survey link, Click “Log in through the State Services portal” and log in using your username and password.

Let us remind you that the monument “Weapon of Victory – Tank T-34-85” was erected in honor of the legendary combat vehicle and is located at the intersection of Ugolnaya and Montazhnikov streets. The opening ceremony of the monument took place on May 8, 2015, in the year of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The monument became the first monument in the history of the village of Iskateley in memory of the Great Victory.

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