
Interregional festival “Reach for the Stars!” will be held in Armavir

Interregional festival “Reach for the Stars!”  will be held in Armavir

From August 11 to 13, the III interregional astro-festival “Reach for the Stars!” will be held in the suburbs of Armavir. Modern powerful telescopes for observing the stars and the sun will be installed at the campsite near the Krasin farm; lectures on astronomy and astrophysics and thematic master classes will be prepared for participants. The organizers of the event include the Armavir local branch of the Russian Geographical Society.

The event is designed for people of different age groups – from children to pensioners, as well as various levels of training – from simple astronomy lovers to eminent scientists. Its participants will be able to attend the launch of model rockets, immerse themselves in the world of virtual reality and space interactives. Little guests will be initiated into young astrotourists. And older children will be able to become more familiar with the work of astronomers and, perhaps, get their bearings in choosing a future profession.

Among those who register for the festival Onlinethere will be a drawing for a MEADE Infinity 70 mm telescope.

— This is a classic lens telescope with a lens diameter of 70 mm. A good choice for astronomy lovers taking their first steps in studying the Universe. It is equipped with everything necessary so that you can start observing immediately. Mountains and craters on the Moon, the moons of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn, the reddish disk of Mars, the Pleiades, the Orion Nebula, the Ring in Lyra and one of the closest galaxies to us – the Andromeda Nebula: already during the first observation you will be able to see more than Galileo Galilei was able to observe throughout my entire life, – said the head of the astrophysical observatory of Kuban State University, head of the Center for Astronomy of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society, Alexander Ivanov.

A new direction – astrotourism – has been developing in Armavir for the third year. Members of the department regularly conduct master classes as part of the site’s work Sidewalk astronomy.

— The main goal of the astrofestival is educational. The basis of his program was astronomical observations of planets, stars and deep space objects using modern powerful telescopes. The astrocamping format involves observing celestial bodies at night and walking tourist routes during the day. The routes “The Path of Cosmonauts and Aviators” and “The Armavir Necklace” were developed especially for the astro-festival. This is a great opportunity to get acquainted with space for free, to spend a weekend with the whole family interesting and useful, – said the chairman of the Armavir local branch of the Russian Geographical Society, Ekaterina Demchenko.

The organizers of the festival: the administration of Armavir, the Association of Russian Cosmonautics Museums, the local branch of the Russian Geographical Society and the autonomous non-profit organization of socially significant services “Valley of the Winds”.

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