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Türkiye proposes a “guarantee model” for peace between Israel and Palestine

The Government of Turkey proposes “a model of guarantees” to appease the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which involves “the two-state solution” and the commitment of several countries to ensure its compliance.

As reported this Tuesday by the Turkish newspaper Daily Sabah, the Turkish Foreign Minister, Hakan Fidan, explained yesterday Monday to a group of journalists that the new “formula” is already being debated “in a small circle.”

The head of Turkish diplomacy plans to present it tomorrow, Wednesday, at the extraordinary meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) convened in the Saudi city of Jeddah following the current war between Hamas and Israel.

“We put forward the main idea of ​​guarantees (…) It is a proposal, if there are better proposals we will evaluate them,” said the minister, who plans to meet today in Beirut with his Lebanese counterpart, Abdallah Bouhabib.

“We are suggesting that the guarantor countries be from the region, which includes Turkey, for the Palestinian side. For Israel, other countries should be guarantors. Once a agreement that both parties can accept, guarantor countries should take responsibility for compliance“he explained.

The idea is that the guarantor nations maintain a presence on the ground to ensure compliance with the future peace agreement.

With this, Ankara urges the international community to see in the current crisis an opportunity to move towards “the two-state solution and bring about a lasting peace to the region”.

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