
UN records 137 attacks on healthcare in Gaza since start of war

The United Nations has recorded at least 137 attacks “against health care” in the Gaza Strip since the outbreak of the war with Israel on October 7, actions that the organization denounces as “a violation of international law and conventions.” humanitarian”.

“In the last 36 days, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recorded at least 137 attacks against healthcare in Gaza,” the UN agency for the Eastern Mediterranean said in a joint statement with UNICEF regional delegations. and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

These attacks have also caused the death of 521 people, including 16 humanitarian workers, and have left almost 700 injured, including patients and healthcare workers, according to the note.

“Attacks on medical and civilian facilities are unacceptable and constitute a violation of international humanitarian and human rights law and conventions. They cannot be tolerated,” the UN agencies said.

Likewise, they were “horrified” by the recent attacks against Al Shifa Hospital – the largest in Gaza -, Al Rantissi Nasser Pediatric Hospital, Al Quds Hospital and others located in the city and in the north of the Palestinian enclave, where “many people have died, including children.”

They noted that they have received reports of deaths of “premature babies and newborns receiving life support” due to power outages and fuel depletion, a resource that Israel prevents from entering the enclave for fear that it will be used by the group. Palestinian Islamist Hamas.

Faced with this pressing shortage, also of water and basic medical supplies, “the lives of all patients are at risk,” according to the note, which recalled that more than half of the hospitals in the Strip are out of service and those that remain operating they can only provide minimal emergency services.

“The world cannot remain silent while hospitals, which should be safe havens, are transformed into scenes of death, devastation and despair,” said the UN agencies, which urged “decisive international action” to implement a halt. the immediate fire in the Palestinian enclave.

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