
Two climate activists pour soup on the glass protection of ‘la Mona Lisa’

A couple of activists from the group Riposte Alimentaire (Food Response) in favor of sustainable food, this Sunday threw two cans of soup against the glass protection of the painting ‘La Gioconda’ by Leonardo Da Vinci, in the Parisian Louvre museum, as an act of protest against the current agricultural system and to integrate a food check into the French Social Security.

“What is the most important thing? Art or the right to healthy and long-lasting food? Our agricultural system is sick,” shouted one of the activists after throwing the liquid and after crossing with her companion the security cordon that It separated the audience from the painting. The security services of the Louvre Museum have proceeded to evacuate the tourists and cover the painting with black tarps.

The group, in its social network account .

Food Response denounces that, in France, “one in three people skips meals due to lack of means” while “at the same time, 20 percent of the food produced is thrown away.”

“Our model stigmatizes the most precarious and does not respect our fundamental right to food,” laments the group, which ends up demanding, “to avoid the massive famines that threaten us,” a transformation of the food production model.

Thus, Food Response advocates for “the integration of food into the general social security system”, in a demand that “will allow each person to benefit from a vital food card with an amount of €150 each month, to purchase approved products and democratically selected.

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