
Trump’s declaration of love to Milei: “I love him because he loves me”

Former President Donald Trump (2017-2021) declared this Saturday in a public event his love for the Argentine president, Javier Milei, whom he had the opportunity to meet last week at an event in Washington.

“I love him because he loves Trump. When he called, I took his call. Anyone who likes me, I like,” the potential Republican presidential candidate said at a rally in Richmond, Virginia.

Trump dedicated a few words to the ultraconservative politician of the La Libertad Avanza party and stated that “even Argentina became MAGA,” in reference to the acronym of the slogan that became popular in his presidential campaigns, “Make America Great Again.” to make America great again).

Meeting in Washington

Milei and Trump had the opportunity to greet each other last Saturday at the annual convention of the American right-wing CPAC that was held in National Harbor, next to Washington DC.

As could be seen in a video posted on social networks, both leaders met backstage minutes before the American spoke at the event. They shook hands, hugged, chatted casually, and took pictures.

“Make Agentina great again,” Trump yelled effusively at Milei, to which the Argentine responded with his popular cry “Long live freedom, damn it!”

In his CPAC speech, Trump also had references for the Argentine, whom he described as “a great gentleman” and “very popular.” “He is a great guy and one of the few who can” make Argentina “great again,” he added.

Trump wins the Missouri, Michigan and Idaho caucuses

The former president has also been in the news after proclaiming himself the winner of the Republican caucuses held this Saturday in the states of Idaho, Missouri and Michigan.

Trump thus defeated the former governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley, and continues his streak of victories on his way to being named the Republican candidate who will compete in the November presidential elections.

The former president thus arrives even stronger for ‘Super Tuesday’, which will be held next March 5, a key event in the presidential race, in which 16 states will hold primary elections.

So far, Trump has managed to win all the primaries and caucuses that the Republican Party has held in states such as Iowa, South Carolina or Nevada.

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