
Thousands of Argentines demonstrate against Milei cuts

Thousands of Argentines have gathered in the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Airesunder an attentive police presence to protest the latest measures by Javier Milei that seek cut public spending.

The mobilization is being massive, despite the fact that the Government threatened to remove social benefits to those people who blocked the streets to protest. In addition, the new security protocol allows the intervention of federal forces to clear concentrations without the need for a court order.

The protesters have tried cut one of the main arteries of the Argentine capital, Diagonal Norte, which has caused moments of tension with the agents, who have tried to break up the pickets with pepper spray. For the moment, as reported by the newspaper Clarion There are at least two detainees.

The leader of the Polo Obrero (PO), Eduardo Belliboni, ha protested by the measures decreed by the Executive and has assured that they will not allow the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, to “declare a State of Siege” in Buenos Aires.

Belliboni announced hours before the congregation began that it would be a peaceful demonstration where they would protest not only against “brutal adjustment” against the workers, but also to “commemorate” those killed during the 2001 protests on December 19 and 20.

Deprivation of benefits and social plans

The Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovelo, threatened this week with deprive of benefits and social plans to those protesters who participated in the pickets and street blockades.

Bullrich also assured that They would identify cars and drivers who violate traffic rules and that searches would be carried out on people who “come with material that must be seized, whether sticks or covered faces.”

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