
These are Le Pen’s proposals for France that Mbappé rejects

The result of the European elections in France has caused an earthquake on the continental political map. And Macron’s election announcement could mean the rise to power of the far-right in the neighboring country.

The French footballer Kylian Mbappé This Sunday he referred to the French legislative elections scheduled for the end of the month and called on youth to participate in the process. In addition, he has positioned himself against the “extremes.”

“I do not want to represent a country that does not correspond to Our values“Mbappé said at a press conference from Germanywhere the football euro cup.

The French star has also stated “against the extremes, against the ideas that divide“.

For Mbappé “the extremes are at the doors of power and we have the opportunity to choose the future of our country.” “That is why I ask all young people to participate, vote and become aware of the importance of the situation,” he stated.

“I hope my voice reaches as many people as possible. We need to identify with this country, identify with our values, which are the values ​​of tolerance, diversity, respect. I trust the French. Every option counts. I hope we make the decision correct and that let’s be proud to wear this shirt on July 7,” he said.

These are Le Pen’s proposals for France that Mbappé rejects

In the last election campaign In France she became a defender of the purchasing power of citizens. His plan It involved subsidizing companies that hire young people, revising pensions upwards and lowering the retirement age; those who started contributing between the ages of 17 and 20 could retire at 60, and at 62 for those who started after the 21.

Regarding social issues, there is no question of backing down on issues such as abortion. About him homosexual marriage and assisted reproduction for lesbian couples and women does not want to bother those affected or the most conservative.

About his position war in ukraine, does not agree with Europe’s sanctions against Russia, since he maintains a great affinity with President Putin. Already in 2017 Le Pen was unofficially the Kremlin’s favorite candidate.

On relations between Russia and the Popular Front, “In the party we have always been of the opinion that Russia and France must not only maintain, but also develop the relations that have united us for a long time“Le Pen said in a meeting with members of the International Affairs Committee of the Duma, the Russian Chamber of Deputies.

Le Pen says she will work with Macron because she does not pursue “institutional chaos” and insists on “cohabitation”

Marine Le Pen, insisted this Sunday that she will pursue a cooperation model with the president of France, Emmanuel Macron, whose resignation is not pursued out of “institutional respect.”

I am very respectful of institutions and I do not pursue institutional chaos“Le Pen declared in an interview with the newspaper ‘Le Figaro’.

“I’m simply looking for cohabitation,” he added. In France, the forced coexistence between the president and the government of different political groups is known as cohabitation. It has occurred three times during the Fifth Republic, the last of them between 1997 and 2002.

National Group has been the great winning party in the European elections and could repeat its success in the early legislative elections on June 30 and July 7. In this case, Le Pen has declared that, if at the end of the legislative elections she is able to form a majority, she will propose the president of the party, Jordan Bardella, as the country’s new prime minister..

The precedents of this cohabitation suggest a distribution of powers between the head of State and the head of the Government. The president would be in charge of foreign policy and national defense while the prime minister would act as a kind of head of the Interior, with power also over health or education.

To do this, according to a recent Elabe survey, Le Pen needs 19 more seats, given that National Group Right now it could get 270 seats in the assembly. Macron and his allies would obtain between 90 and 130 of the total of 577 that make up the chamber.

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