
The UN fears an expansion of the conflict after the death of Hamas’ number two

The spokesperson for the Secretary General of the UNFlorencia Soto Niño, has shown her concern about a possible expansion of the conflict between Israel and the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas. This comes after the death of the number two in the Palestinian militia, Saleh al Arouri, in an alleged Israeli drone attack in Beirut, the Lebanese capital.

“The developments are extremely worrying. And I think this really highlights what the secretary general just said [de la ONU, António Guterres] Over the dangers of this conflict spreading to the entire region“Soto Niño explained during a press conference this Tuesday.

Hezbollah assures that the attack “will not go without response or punishment”

Soto Niño has highlighted Guterres’ role in urging the parties in conflict to exercise “maximum restraint” with the aim of reducing regional tensions and preventing a miscalculation from escalating the situation.

Thus, he was referring to the statements of the Lebanese Shiite party-militia Hezbollahwho has promised that The attack “will not go unanswered or unpunished.”

Seven militiamen killed and several injured

In the attack on the Hamas offices located in Mushrifiyah, in the southern suburbs of the Lebanese capital, at least seven militiamen have died and several more people have been injured.

The leader of the political arm of the militia, Ismail Haniyé, has asserted that the bombing is a “terrorist act” which makes the group “stronger and more determined than ever.”

Al Arouri, number two in Hamas, had resided in Lebanon since 2018 and in 2010 he was released after spending twelve years in Israeli prisons. Considered the ‘number two’ of the political arm of Hamas and one of the commanders of the Al Qassam Brigades, he is credited with responsibility for several attacks against Israel from Lebanese soil and is identified as one of the main intermediaries in the release of hostages taken on October 7.

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