
The UN denounces that Israel destroys buildings to create security zones and could constitute a war crime

The UN has denounced that Israel is destroying “all the buildings in Loop that are within a kilometer of the fence” that separates this territory from Israel and that the objective of this action would be to clear the area to create a buffer zone (or security zone), which could constitute a war crime.

“This level of destruction cannot be justified under any military imperative”

In a statement, the UN high commissioner for human rights, Volker Turkhas said that this level of destruction, with the supposed purpose of creating a security area for Israel, cannot be justified under any military imperative and may constitute a war crime.

“The extensive destruction of property not justified by military needs and carried out illegally and deliberately constitutes a serious violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention and a war crime,” he said.

“Since October (when the war in Gaza between Israel and the islamist group Palestinian Hamas), my office has recorded widespread destruction and demolition by the Defense Forces Israeli civil and other infrastructure, including residential buildings, schools and universities in areas where there were no fighting or it was no longer fought,” he explained.

“Israel has not provided clear reasons for such extensive destruction of the civil infrastructure“Türk stressed.

Reports of demolitions in Beit Hanoun and Shujaiyeh

Specifically, the UN agency has received reports of demolitions in Beit Hanoun and in Shujaiyeh (both locations in northern Gaza), in the Nureirat refugee camp, in the central area of ​​the enclave, as well as in the city of Khan Younis, in the south, in recent weeks.

According to Türk’s reading, such a level of destruction has not only caused massive displacements of population, but would ultimately seek to make their return impossible once hostilities have ended, which would be another war crime.

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