
The latest statement from the British Royal House on Kate Middleton’s health

The team of Kate Middleton has had to speak out again to clarify the new rumors about the state of health of the Princess of Wales, about whom there had been speculation again after the absence of Prince William at the mass in honor of Constantine of Greece.

The prince apologized to the Greek royal family absent from mass for “personal reasons” and set off all the alarms after not resuming his official agenda.

Now, Kensignton Palace has wanted to speak out to dispel this new alarm, according to Page Six. One of the spokespersons representing Kate Middleton would have told this portal that the princess’s recovery times “were clear” and are maintained.

Kensington Palace made clear in January the princess’s recovery times and also that we would provide more information only if there were significant updates,” this representative told Page Six, who also stressed that Middleton is “doing well.”

The mystery surrounding Kate Middleton’s status

It all started on January 17, when it became known that Kate Middleton had been admitted to The London Clinic hospital for a “planned abdominal surgery” that had been satisfactorily performed.

The letter also requested privacy regarding his condition and announced that Prince William postponed his agenda. But little else has been known with certainty since that day, with brief statements from the Royal House and many speculations.

One of the few things that is known is that the Princess of Wales is installed in Adelaide Cottage along with his three children, George, Charlotte and Louisand who has already started working from home.

If everything continues as planned, Kate Middleton could return to public life in Aprilalthough dates may vary depending on availability.

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