
The Israeli Army announces the seizure of the Hamas Government headquarters in Gaza

After taking control of the Gaza Parliament, the Israeli Army has announced on social networks that controls other Hamas government and military buildings in the northern Stripamong them, the headquarters of the Government, the Police headquarters or the governor’s home, not far from the Al Shifa hospital that has been bombed these days.

Israeli soldiers have also been able to access the Faculty of Engineering, which served terrorists as a base for weapons production, as well as a military complex, interrogation rooms and cells. The Israeli army also claims to have located a new Hamas tunnel under one of Gaza’s mosques.

“The combined combat forces of the Golani Brigade successfully secured the governor’s residence, identified as a facility used by the Hamas terrorist organization,” added the Army, detailing that “this building housed both the military and police offices of Hamas and military intelligence offices, headquarters, and various outposts of the organization.”

Some of these buildings, the military statement denounced, would have been used as training sites for the attack perpetrated by the Islamist group against Israel on October 7, which left 1,200 dead and more than 240 hostages captured and taken to Gaza.

Since then, Israeli retaliatory strikes – by air, sea and land – have left more than 11,180 dead, 28,200 injured, 3,000 missing and more than 1.5 million displaced in Gazawhere 46 deaths have also been recorded among Israeli troops taking part in the ground offensive.

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