
The Houthis consider it an “honor” that the United States includes them on its list of terrorist groups

The Houthi rebel movement has considered a “honor” that your group has been designated by USA as “terrorist” and has assured that this fact Yemen’s position in support of the Palestinian people will not change.

“The American designation It does not have value and this will not change Yemen’s position in support of Palestine. But we consider it as a medal of honor for supporting the Palestinian resistance in Gaza, while the United States carries out its aggression against Yemen,” said the movement’s spokesman, Mohamed Abdelsalamin social networks.

He also pointed out that they are the US ‘arrogant policies’ and his “support for the Zionist criminal entity”, in reference to Israelthe “true sponsors of terrorism”.

These statements come after the White House issued a statement that their designation as a terrorist group “is an important tool to prevent terrorist financing of the Houthisfurther restrict their access to financial markets and hold them accountable for their actions.”

The designation of the Houthi rebels as “terrorists” by the US comes days after the United States and the United Kingdom began a bombing campaign against the group’s military targets in Yemen for the insurgents’ attacks on ships linked to Israel in the Red Sea and the Bab al Mandeb Straitwhich have seriously affected international maritime trade.

The Biden Administration has reported that will reassess the situationwhich will come into force within 30 days, if the rebel group ceases attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

“The people of Yemen should not pay the price for the actions of the Houthis. With this we send a clear message: commercial shipments to the Yemeni ports on which they depend for food, medicines and fuel must continue and “They are not covered by our sanctions”they add.

Tension in the Red Sea triples shipping costs

Attacks by Yemen’s Houthi rebels on international commercial ships in the Red Sea and the subsequent Western offensive against them The cost of maritime transport between Asia and Morocco skyrocketed in the last monthwhich increased between 148% and 235%, depending on the volume of the containers.

The price of transporting a 20-foot (6-meter) container went from 1,450 to $2,800 (between 1,335 and 2,580 euros) and the 40-foot one from 1,850 to $6,200 (between 1,850 and 5,714 dollars) from December 15 until this Wednesday.

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