
Surprise in the ‘Daniel Sancho case’: last-minute press conference to denounce “irregularities” in the investigation

The case of Daniel Sancho once again takes an unexpected turn in the last few hours. The 29-year-old is in prison for the alleged murder and dismemberment of Edwin Arrietaa Colombian surgeon with whom he was traveling in Thailand.

The news has come from the hand of its lawyers, the Chippirrás-Balfagón firm and Marcos García-Montes, who have announced a official press conference to denounce the “irregularities” that presents the case and that in his opinion was involved in the investigation.

The surprise press conference will take place this Friday, January 12 at 12:30 p.m. The Spanish chef’s lawyers will go to her to denounce these alleged irregularities and to provide new data from the investigation.

The trial will begin on April 9

The trial against Rodolfo Sancho’s son will begin on April 9 and will last until May 3. The reason? The large number of witnesses who will testify in court: 57, between the defense and the prosecution.

The first day of the trial will begin with opening statement of both the defense attorneys, prosecution, and the prosecutor. This will last five minutes for each of the parties after which the testimony of the witnesses will begin. Once this process is finished on May 3, the parties will be able to make a final argument and a new date will be set to read the ruling.

Sancho pleaded not guilty

Sancho, son and grandson of actors in Spain, which gave a high media interest in the case from the beginningit has been declared not guilty of two of the three crimes of which the Prosecutor’s Office accuses himpremeditated murder and destruction of other people’s documentation (in reference to Arrieta’s passport).

The accused Yes, a third party has admitted, that of making parts of the victim’s body disappear.found in various places on the island of Phangan.

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