
Sebastión Piñera, former president of Chile, dies in a helicopter accident

The former president of Chile Sebastián Piñera has died at 74 years old in a helicopter accident in the rural sector of Ilihue, in the town of Lago Ranco, Los Ríos region, in Chile. on the device At least four occupants were traveling, although the rest of the identities are unknown at this time. According to the first information, they were flying in the middle of a rainy day and after a few minutes of flight they lost lift and the helicopter fell.

According to Clarín, at 14:57 local time, a call was received at the Lago Ranco Tenancy guardreporting that “an aircraft had crashed in that sector, apparently a helicopter, Carabineros and Navy personnel went to the scene to verify the veracity of the procedure.” Local sources indicate that Piñera would have been trapped with the aircraft’s belt after the accident and He would have drowned in the lake.

Piñera presided over Chile in two terms, between 2010 and 2014 until Michelle Bachellet succeeded him and between 2018 and 2022, at which time the current president, Gabriel Boric, took the reins of the country.

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