
Russia mourns victims of Islamic State attack as investigation continues

Russia is experiencing days of national mourning for those killed in the attack committed last Friday by the jihadist group Islamic State (IS) on the outskirts of Moscow as the death toll and the search for the organizers of the massacre continue.

Flowers, candles and toys They filled the area around the Crocus City Hall concert hall this Sunday, where Friday’s terrorist attack left at least 137 dead and 180 injured.

Tributes to the victims

Despite the rain that fell in the Russian capital, a wave of people approached the scene of the attack to pay tribute to the memory of the deceased.

“I came because I am a Muscovite, I live next door. I have been to concerts in Crocus City Hall. What has happened is a tragedy, no one can remain indifferent,” a local woman told the Vecherniaya Moskva newspaper.

On numerous screens on the roads and large shops of Moscow one could see candles on a black background and the date of the attackon March 22, 2024.

Meanwhile, in the capital metro Passengers were reminded that security measures have been reinforced after the attack and their understanding was asked for possible inconvenience. Different memorials in memory of the victims of the tragedy were also created in other Russian cities, according to regional media.

Meanwhile, Russian flags in state institutions and Russian embassies abroad They flew at half mast as a sign of mourning.

Revenge “without mercy”

The deputy head of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedevstated this Sunday that all those involved in the brutal attack on Crocus City Hall will be “legitimate targets” of Russia.

We will avenge everyone. And those involved, regardless of their country of origin or status, will from now on be our legitimate and main target,” Medvedev wrote on Telegram. He immediately added: “Wait, scoundrels.”

Also the Russian president, Vladimir Putinassured the day before that “all the authors, organizers and those who commissioned this crime will receive a well-deserved and irremediable punishment, whoever they are and regardless of whether they were sent.”

Security forces have so far detained eleven people linked to the attack, four of whom personally participated in the massacre, according to authorities. This Sunday, the four responsible for the attack were transferred to Moscow to order their admission to preventive detention.

Meanwhile, several Russian politicians and analysts They are already advocating for the lifting of the moratorium on the death penalty in this country.

Victim count advances

According to updated data, the tragedy has left 137 dead and 180 injured. At the same time, these figures grow every day because search and rescue work continues at the site of the attack, where firefighters took long hours to extinguish the fire caused by the attackers and which devastated an area of ​​13,000 square meters.

“So far, at the site of the terrorist attack, the bodies of 137 people, including three children“said the Russian Instruction Committee in a statement today.

He added that they have been identified 62 bodies and “genetic tests are being carried out to establish the identities” of the other victims.

While, The number of injured rose today from 154 to 180 people. According to Russian media, some survivors of the attack took more than a day to request medical help because they were in a state of shock.

False bomb warnings

On the other hand, the Russian Police evacuated the shopping center this Sunday London Mall in Saint Petersburg after receiving a bomb warning, reports local media

Simultaneously, law enforcement officers detained a man who claimed to have placed a explosive device in the shopping center.

Another woman was arrested today for a false bomb warning on a plane that was preparing to take off from Moscow to Yerevanthe capital of Armenia.

During the interrogation, The woman claimed that her words were “a joke.”

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