
France raises its terrorist alert level to the maximum in view of the Moscow attack

The French authorities decided raise your terrorist alert level to the maximum taking into account the attack Moscowand in particular his claim for the Islamic State that has been attributed many actions in France.

In a message on his X account, the French Prime Minister, Gabriel Attalexplained that the decision was made during a meeting of the Defense and National Security Council chaired by the president, Emmanuel Macron.

“Taking into account the claim of the attack by the Islamic State and the threats that weigh on our country -says the prime minister on the social network-, we have decided to increase the Vigipirate plan to its highest level: urgency of attack”.

France has been victim in recent years of various attacks whose responsibility has been claimed by that jihadist groupthe best known being those of November 13, 2015 against various leisure venues in Paris and its outskirts, especially against the Bataclan concert hall.

Some events that recall in certain aspects the attack last Friday in a shopping center on the outskirts of Moscow, in which terrorists shot many of the participants of a rock concert. According to the latest counts from Russian authorities, that attack caused the death of at least 137 people and dozens of injured.

The security It is a topic of particular sensitivity in France just four months before the start of the Paris Olympic Gameson which the terrorist threat plans.

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