
Russia declares chess player Gari Kasparov a terrorist

This Thursday, Russia’s financial observatory included chess player Garry Gasparov, a recognized opponent of the Kremlin, on the blacklist for terrorism and extremism, after the authorities had previously identified him as a foreign agent.

Kasparov, who currently lives in the United States, has been in the Kremlin’s crosshairs for years for his criticism of the policies promoted by President Vladimir Putin., including the military invasion launched more than two years ago on Ukraine. He has also accused the president of being responsible for the death in prison of the opponent Alexei Navalni.

The Ministry of the Interior denounced Kasparov in December for an auction in which he intended to raise funds forto Russian and Belarusian citizens who wanted to fight on the side of the Ukrainian forces, which could cost them a sentence of up to five years in prison. Now, in the eyes of Rosfinmonitoring, the chess player is a terrorist and an extremist, the TASS news agency reports.

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